Teaching & Learning is the heart of education and at the center of what happens in our schools each day. Various webpages have been developed with a focus on what goes on in and around our classrooms.
Using assessment to inform instructional planning is integral to the on-going improvement of our schools and is often a part of professional development work. Learn more about assessment and testing by clicking here.
Learn about our students by clicking here.
С¸£Àûµ¼º½Unified School District is characterized by the talent and dedication of its approximately 800 certificated teachers. Learn more about our teachers by clicking here.
Common Core Math
Visit our Math Blog to find resources on the Story of Units and Story of Ratios mathematics curriculum.
Curriculum Standards
Curriculum standards are set by the State of California Department of Education and adopted by the С¸£Àûµ¼º½Unified School District. Learn about these standards by clicking here.
Family Guides to Report Cards
Guides for each grade are available here in both English and Spanish.
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
Creating a positive school climate where all feel welcomed and supported to do their best is the goal of PBIS efforts in all of our K-8 schools. You can read more here.
Professional Development
Professional Development is very important in our district and is critical to strong teaching and learning. There is a professional learning community established in each of our schools to support teachers and staff to constantly improve their craft. This support takes many forms, including teacher leaders in specific subject or skill areas that work one on one with teachers in their classroom, Wednesday faculty meetings where all teachers learn together, grade level groups that facilitate curriculum and strategy sharing, and dedicated staff development days. Click here for an overview of the Professional Development program.
Program Improvement
Our district receives federal funding (called Title I) on the condition that we adhere to the state standards in identifying for each grade level what a child should know and be able to do in English-Language Arts and Mathematics. Click here for more information about Program Improvement.
Response to Instruction and Intervention (RTI2)
Response to Instruction and Intervention (RTI2) is a data-driven, multi-tiered approach to the early identification and support of all students, including those who demonstrate learning and behavioral challenges. Click here for more information.
STEM Programs
– Every 7th grade student
Career and Technical Education Program and Facilities Developments
Student Health & Wellness
Your child’s health impacts their ability to attend school and reach their full academic potential. In order for the District to provide a safe and healthy environment for your child, we need to be informed of any health or medication needs on an ongoing basis. For information about Student Health and Wellness, please click here.
Teachers College Reading and Writing Project
The Teachers College Reading and Writing Project (TCRWP) is the core of the English Language Arts instructional program in every elementary school. This research-based literacy program builds on each child’s strengths as a reader to help them access more interesting texts. For more information on TCRWP, click here.
Toolbox: Social Emotional Learning Curriculum for K-6 Students
Toolbox is a research-based social-emotional learning curriculum. It teaches critical social competencies necessary for academic and life success such as: resiliency, self-management, and responsible decision-making skills. Learn more here.