Update on November 20, 2014: The School Board received an update on LCAP implementation at the November 19th meeting. The presentation is available here in PDF.
Update on October 22, 2014: Berkeley’s Local Control and Accountability Plan was approved by Alameda County Office of Education in August, 2014. The links above include the final approved version of the LCAP for 2014-17, as well as a few of the individual components of the plan.
First Year LCAP: Board-Approved Final 2014-17 Version of С¸£Àûµ¼º½Unified LCAP
- LCAP Version 30 (June 25, 2014)
- LCAP Version 30 with County Revisions (August 1, 2014)
- LCAP 2014 Exec Summary (Version 30)
- LCAP 2014 Goals & Actions Chart (Appendix D)
- LCAP 2014 – Goals and Metrics (Appendix F)
- LCAP Glossary of Terms
Update on June 6, 2014: On June 11th the school board will hold a public hearing on the district’s Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) during the regularly scheduled board meeting. The final plan will be on the board agenda for approval at the June 25th meeting. LCAP_V27_June 11, 2014
Superintendent responses to public comments and questions from the PAC/DELAC and general public will be available on the district website on Monday, June 9th. You can find the link here.
Update on April 25, 2014: On Wednesday, April 30th at 7:30pm, the School Board will be reviewing and discussing the First Draft of the Local Control and Accountability Plan. The LCAP is designed to be a planning and accountability tool for the District, with a focus on low income students, English learners, and foster youth. (The State Board of Education created the LCAP template that all districts must use.)
Public Comments: Written comments from the public, and comments from the PAC (Parent Advisory Committee) and DELAC (District English Learner Advisory Committee), on the LCAP draft may be submitted to the Superintendent by 4:00pm on Friday, May 9, 2014. (Please submit comments either by email to janajandra@berkeley.net, or by letter to: Superintendent Donald Evans, 2020 Bonar St. Berkeley, CA, 94704.)
Next Steps: Based on feedback from the Board, from the PAC and DELAC, and from the public, a second draft of the LCAP is scheduled for presentation at the May 21st Board Meeting. The formal public hearing on the final draft of the LCAP and the district’s 2014-15 budget will occur at the June 11 board meeting. The final LCAP will be presented to the board for consideration at the June 25 board meeting.
Componentes del Plan (LCAP) – Abril 25, 2014
LCAP С¸£Àûµ¼º½ Forum PowerPoint Presentation April 16, 2014
Draft Calendar for 2014-15 Budget and LCAP Development
First Draft:
LCAP Executive Summary – May 9, 2014 (pdf) en español (pdf)
LCAP Plan – version 18 – May 9, 2014 (pdf)
Plan Development Process
Administrative Update Memo to School Board – Jan. 15, 2014
LCAP Board Power Point Presentation Jan 15, 2014
One of the key components outlined in the Education Code is that districts must consult various stakeholders in the development of the LCAP, and allow them to review it and comment on it. The figure below outlines the process a district must follow in adopting its LCAP. One of the main procedural requirements is that a district consults with its school employees, local bargaining units, parents, and students. As part of this consultation process, BUSD must present their proposed plans to a parent advisory committee and a separate EL parent advisory committee (DELAC). The advisory committees can review and comment on the proposed plan. Ed. Code also requires districts to respond in writing to the comments of the advisory committees and to notify members of the public that they may submit written comments regarding the specific actions and expenditures proposed in the LCAP. Please review information on the LCAP advisory committees webpage.
The Legislative Analyst’s Office has compiled some .
Superintendent Responds to LCAP Public Comments & Questions
LCAP Parent Surveys – March, 2015
2014-15 LCAP Evaluation
Goal 1
Goals 2 & 3
PAC С¸£Àûµ¼º½
LCAP Overview (En Espanol)
Useful Links